Wates named on £1.1bn Fusion21 Workplace and Facilities Framework
Wates has been named as a provider on the new four-year, Fusion21 Workplace and Facilities Framework, worth over £1.1bn.
Read moreKeeping everyone safe as we prepare to return to workplaces
We may not return to work in the same way we once did, but now is the opportunity for businesses to adapt their offices, work smarter and put in place measures that allow their people to collaborate and work in a safe environment.
Read moreWates expands HMRC FM partnership following successful year
Wates FM continues to grow its public sector presence, expanding HMRC contract from four sites to 19 after less than one year.
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FM business was named on new four year Constructing West Midlands Framework
Wates Facilities Management has been appointed to the four-year Constructing West Midlands Framework (CWM2), managed by Acivico, under Lot 2, Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) and maintenance services.
Read moreWates business continues growth with global investment firm
Wates has secured a three-year contract with global investment management organisation, Barings.
Read moreWates extends services for global accountancy body
Wates has renewed its service agreement with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) to deliver comprehensive FM services for the organisation’s London-based HQ and principal administration offices in Glasgow.
Read moreWates achieves record health and safety performance
11 MARCH 2020
Wates FM has announced a record health and safety performance, following a period of more than three years without a single RIDDOR (reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations) incident.
Read moreWates starts 2020 with change in strategic directorship
Wates is ringing in the New Year with the appointment of Steve Jackson as Strategy Director, as the business bids a fond farewell to Phil Sperring, who retires after 40 years at Wates.
Read moreWates boosts strategic growth with new appointment
Wates has bolstered its business development strategy with the appointment of Melissa Woodall as Communications and Marketing Business Partner.
Read moreWates secures first public sector contract in strategic growth plans
23 OCTOBER 2019
Wates FM has secured a new contract to deliver a one-stop maintenance service on behalf of West Midlands Police, becoming the first public sector appointment for the recently launched business.
Read moreDouble win hails private sector growth for Wates FM
28 AUGUST 2019
Wates FM is set to grow its presence in the private sector as it delivers two major contracts on behalf of Brooks Macdonald and Harbottle & Lewis LLP.
Read moreWates wins Award for Twycross Zoo
Wates has picked up a prestigious industry award in recognition of its work on corporate social responsibility at Twycross Zoo.
Read moreRoyal reception for Wates
HRH The Princess Royal visited the Leatherhead headquarters to present the Wates Group with The Queens Award for Enterprise, Sustainable Development.
Read moreWates FM takes residence at Twycross Zoo
Wates FM will now commence mobilisation of the £3m contract, which will include carrying out asset and condition surveys before commencing works.
Read moreDavid Morgan
David is Executive Managing Director of Wates Property Services. He joined Wates in January 2014, following a successful career in senior leadership roles in the support services sector.
Read moreDeep Mahida
A highly experienced client relationship director, responsible for developing and delivering comprehensive strategic and tactical plans.
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