Our service to the zoo
The importance of our services at Twycross cannot be underestimated.
Hard services are important in the majority of environments, but in a museum or a zoo, a lack of control over climate, humidity, and lighting conditions can lead to the loss of something irreplaceable. In this case, the loss of an endangered animals life.
Work is carried out to provide maximum levels of public safety with protective barriers in place or, where possible, is completed outside of public hours.
Response times are also hugely important and we attend emergencies on site promptly. For example, when there was an issue regarding the temperature in the penguin enclosure, we corrected it in under 15 minutes.
Some aspects of compliance in a zoo are a little unusual. It is critically important that animals are kept safe from visitors and that visitors and staff are kept safe from the animals. Therefore, our compliance checks and task descriptions at Twycross involve the checking of enclosure security, ensuring there are sufficient staff in attendance, and that doors that are opened for work are closed and locked once finished.
We ensure that any subcontractors or staff who are new to site are inducted and accompanied by someone who is familiar with the procedures specific to Twycross Zoo. In this way we can be certain that mistakes are not made with regards to the security of animals or the public.