Wates projects recognised for excellence at the CCS Awards

Wates projects recognized for excellence at the CCS Awards
Home News Wates projects recognized for excellence at the CCS Awards

25 sites across the Wates Group have been recognised for exceptional standards of consideration for their local communities, environment and workforce.

The annual Considerate Constructors Schemes (CCS) National Site Awards recognise projects and sites that have raised the bar for considerate construction. Since 1998, The National Site Awards have judged nominated sites against CCS Code of Considerate Practice and ranked by presenting Bronze, Silver or Gold awards. This year from over 6,500 eligible sites, 746 were recognised with awards.

Wates projects awarded Gold

In the 2019 ceremonies CCS awarded Gold awards to five Wates sites, out of the 158 sites awarded Gold across the country. Gold awarded projects from the Wates Group were:

Boldrewood Camps Building 178

This project was part of Wates’ partnership with the University of Southampton to build new projects for the Boldrewood Innovation Campus.

Derby Market Hall

Wates was appointed by Derby City Council to repair and restore the building’s glazed panelling, copper roof and stonework, alongside extensive work on the interior and exterior roof structure.

Sheffield City Council Aids and Adapts

Wates was appointed by Sheffield City Council to deliver adaptation works to around 500 publicly and privately-owned properties across the city, which this project was part of.

Sheffield City Council Aids and Adapts

Wates was appointed by Sheffield City Council to deliver publicity and privately-own properties across the city, which this project was part of.

Wolverhampton Strategic Construction Partnership

Undertaken by Wates on behalf of Wolverhampton Homes, this £2.5m project includes the installation of new electrical, soil and vent systems and fire compartmentation.

Wates projects awarded Silver

Wates projects awarded Bronze