Wates appointed for award-winning development

Blackfriars in Battle, an initiative led by Rother District Council’s housing company, Alliance Homes to provide 200 new homes, has named Wates as the partner contractor to build the development.
The construction project which includes the provision of 42 affordable rented homes and 28 homes for shared ownership is due to begin in early 2022.
The contractor announcement is the second major boost for the project in just a matter of days. Earlier this month, Blackfriars was named best housing development in the UK (suburban and rural category) at the Inside Housing Development Awards.
The Inside Housing Award judges were won over by the scheme’s dedication to a sustainable and innovative design whilst ensuring people’s wellbeing is at its heart.
All new homes have been designed to significantly reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions, whilst minimising energy costs for residents. The site will see the unique use of Earth Sheltered Homes and inclusion of principles taken from Passivhaus a building standard that is energy efficient, comfortable, affordable, and ecological at the same time.
And aligned with sustainable objectives, the development has been designed to discourage the use of vehicles and will focus on the wellbeing of the residents.
Attractive green twittens will create connections through the site alongside communal allotment spaces that hope to promote community spirit. Each garden will have vegetable boxes boosting healthy food options, cutting down food bills and promoting fresh produce.
Councillor Doug Oliver
Leader of Rother District Council
Helen Bunch
Executive Managing Director, Wates Residential
One of the major factors stalling the delivery of this site was the need for a new spine road to facilitate development. In 2018, Rother District Council successfully applied to Homes England, and were allocated grant funding under the HIF programme to deliver the road infrastructure. Planning permission for the whole development was gained in April this year.