Construction for new Hornchurch retirement village begins

Following demolition of the former sheltered accommodation on the site, and planning approval being granted, ground works are now set for the construction of 175 new homes thanks to Havering Council’s joint venture partnership with Wates.
The homes will specifically be for local people who are approaching, or who have reached, retirement age. Designs for the site include a residents’ lounge, as well as public and private spaces to promote and enhance biodiversity. This is being encouraged through carefully selected planting that includes appropriate and indigenous trees and shrubs. Green and brown roofs will also be implemented on all the new residential buildings to provide habitats for local plants and wildlife.
Of the 175 new homes, 80 will be for affordable rent, 54 for shared ownership and the remainder available for open market sale.
At the ground breaking, Councillor Damian White, Leader of Havering Council was joined by Councillor Robert Benham, Councillor Dilip Patel, Neil Stubbings, Director of Regeneration and former Serena Court resident, Alan Jones, to celebrate the first spade in the ground.
Councillor Damian White
Leader of Havering Council
Hugh Jeffery
Regional Development Director for Wates Residential
Alan Jones
Former resident of Serena Court
The development at Solar, Serena and Sunrise Courts forms part of the ‘12 Estates’ regeneration programme between Havering Council and joint venture partners Wates Residential, which is part of leading privately-owned construction, property services and development company, the Wates Group. It will see around 3,500 high-quality new homes delivered in Havering over the next 12 to 15 years. Other projects underway include Waterloo Estate and Queens Street in Romford and Napier and New Plymouth House in Rainham.
The overall programme is helping to deliver millions of pounds of investment into the local economy as well as generate new opportunities, training and jobs. Along the way, the partnership is committed to buying British where possible, with 20 per cent of the programme also being spent with local Small and Medium Enterprises, valued at £100m.