New £2.5bn MoJ constructor services framework appointment

Following a competitive tender process, we have been awarded a number of lots under the Ministry of Justice’s new £2.5bn Constructor Services Framework.
The framework is split into three separate frameworks which will be used across the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) for the award of contracts covering individual construction works and other related activities. These include new build, refurbishment, maintenance and minor works, and associated services.
The scope of the new framework covers the estates of the following organisations, including their agencies and public bodies: MoJ Corporate, HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS), HM Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS), Legal Aid Agency (LAA), Office of the Public Guardian (OPG), the Home Office.
We have been awarded the following positions under this new framework;
Framework A: Constructor services for projects with an anticipated individual value of up to £5m with the anticipated value of this framework over five years expected to be £1.16bn.
We have been awarded the position of Preferred Constructor for Lot 1 (North England), First Reserve Constructor for Lot 2 (South England), and Second Reserve Constructor for Lot 3 (Central England & Wales).
Framework B: Constructor services for projects with an individual anticipated value between £5,000,001 and £10m with the anticipated value of this framework over five years expected to be £0.751bn.
We have been awarded a position on Lots 6 (South England), 7 (Central England & Wales) and 8 (London and East England).
Framework C: Constructor services for projects with an individual anticipated value of between £10,000,001 and £30m with the anticipated value of this framework over five years expected to be £0.625bn.
We have been awarded a position on Lot 9 (no geographic restrictions)
Steve Beechey
Group Public Sector Director, Wates Group