Dangerous Structures

Our specialist teams have the experience and capability to respond to emergency situations across residential, public, and commercial properties with the resources, materials and supply chain required to deliver a fast, reliable, and quality service.
We are on call 24/7, 365 days a year and over the last two years have attended and made safe over 200 incidents, including:
Case Study
We were asked by our long-term customer to attend a derelict part commercial, part residential building on a busy road that was showing signs of instability.
The initial support provided by our specialist engineers involved attending the property to advise whether it could be sold in its current state or whether remedial work was needed. Our team attended within two hours and raised concerns that the decorative façade and supporting columns were severely defective with potential for the façade to collapse. The proximity of a zebra crossing, bus stop, busy road, a pub opposite and a school on the adjacent road gave even more concern, so we recommended that the structure should be urgently supported.
Within four hours of our advice being proposed and approved, our engineers, emergency response scaffolding contractor, managers, temporary works consultants, welfare cabins and the relevant duty holders were all on site and working with council officials to close adjacent roads, divert bus routes and put in place adequate traffic management.
A comprehensive plan to protect the building and surrounding areas was agreed by the council and resulted in our teams installing the necessary supports to the building in 48hrs using a large raking shore system.