iOpt Sensors and Platform –
To improve housing conditions and reduce energy costs across the social housing sector using IoT and data.

At iOpt our mission is quite simple: To improve housing conditions and reduce energy costs across the board.
We strive to help some of the most vulnerable tenants maintain a warm, healthy environment in their home. Asset managers are trying to protect billions of pounds worth of assets whilst being blind to what is going on inside the properties. These properties can house some of society’s most vulnerable people. We can help protect them by detecting if they are struggling to heat their home.
iOpt gives you the visibility to make smart, informed operational and strategic business decisions.
Managers of large property portfolios such as social housing stock are under increasing pressure from dwindling resources and deteriorating assets. Trying to manage these assets whilst having no visibility of what goes on inside them is a near impossible task.
Low cost hi-tech sensors in your properties capture data on a variety of environmental factors that relate to the condition of your asset and it can do it affordably at scale.
The data means you can proactively predict and monitor problems such as damp before they arise. It allows vastly reduced numbers of property visits and allows you to be much better equipped to spot and support vulnerable tenants who may be struggling with fuel poverty.
- Having real time accurate visibility of asset condition means the housing provider is in control – It allows for predictive and proactive maintenance rather than the current reactive regime. Better planning, knowledgeable efficient purchasing and more informed decisions regards the tenant and the property.
- Early warning as to potential issues means healthier buildings and healthier tenants – Damp properties have been directly linked to the likelihood of asthma in children. Poor air quality has been directly linked to poor decision making. Tackle these at source as early as possible and you improve the tenants quality of life as well as the value of your asset.
- Health, safety and wellbeing
- Reduced administration, communications, and fewer property visits – You have instant access to the information required to diagnose potential issues, tenant complaints and to carry out repairs.
- Insurance companies and financial institutions will have more faith in housing providers who can show them the data to back up their claims – Which can lead to reduced premiums.
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