EndoEnterprises – A unique multi-award-winning energy saving additive for wet heating system, EndoTherm.

Proven to save up to 15% on heating costs as well as delivering significant energy savings & substantial carbon reduction.
In its typical applications, EndoTherm works by changing the physical & thermal properties of water to improve the heat transfer efficiency & performance of wet heating systems.
EndoTherm’s unique formula reduces the surface tension of water by over 60%. A reduction in surface tension is known to make water ‘wetter’ & EndoTherm increases the wetted perimeter or thermal contact area on the inside of the heating system, increasing & enhancing heat transfer.
EndoTherm has been proven to increase the ΔT in wet heating systems: improving nucleate boiling, heating water up quicker, increasing heat transfer, maintaining room temperatures for longer, lowering water return temperatures & increasing cycle length. This in turn reduces the number of boiler cycles & creates improved conditions which allows the heating system to be more reactive to changes in heat demand, operate more efficiently & save energy.
EndoTherm is dosed at a ratio of 1:100 of system volume, compatible with leading brand inhibitors & boiler manufacturers, easy to install with zero disturbance or shutdowns & scalable to work in all types of domestic, commercial & industrial wet heating systems.
EndoTherm is a stable organic substance that is inert, non-corrosive (less corrosive than water), non-hazardous (when dosed) & with no discharge requirements (as defined by EU Directive 91/689/EEC).
EndoTherm has been independently tested & approved by UKAS accredited Enertek International & BuildCert approved laboratories, is verified by the Energy Saving Trust, recognised by CIBSE & has been installed in over 100,000 buildings worldwide with over 200 independent third party case studies.
- EndoTherm significantly reduces energy consumption & heating costs by up to 15% with a typical return on investment in less than 1 year
- EndoTherm substantially reduces carbon emissions & has a low carbon footprint, becoming carbon neutral in less than 1 day
- EndoTherm improves the overall efficiency, performance, maintenance & life expectancy of heating systems & their assets
- Carbon saving
- Indoor environment improvement
- Guaranteed savings
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