Coltraco Ultrasonics- The Portascanner AIRTIGHT rapidly identifies physical leak paths and quantifies airflow and air permeability.

The Portascanner AIRTIGHT is vital to ensuring that buildings and compartmentation are comfortable, healthy, safe and energy efficient.
The Portascanner® Airtight is the only handheld instrument that can rapidly find air leaks in buildings, rooms and compartments; calculate their size and significance, their individual airflow rates, the overall air permeability; and instantly produce automatic testing reports for the user. Its ultrasonic leak detection and advanced reporting software provides an easy and intuitive way to effectively comply with airtightness and energy efficiency requirements. Portascanner® Airtight is the only battery-powered, handheld instrument capable of achieving this, in a unique, portable package that can be used both while a building or compartment is in build, or when completed, in use and whilst occupied.
It can be used to:
- Find, fix, and seal air leaks in the building fabric during any stage of the build and post-build maintenance programmes, non-invasively and without disrupting operations, with occupants remaining in the rooms of the building.
- Assess the size of individual leaks, the air flowrate, and their contribution to the overall air permeability of a room or building. It is the only technology that can perform all three functions in one.
- Assess precision-made components in a factory setting, pre-installation. This allows the user to compare performance pre and post-installation. Technologies that measure air/heat flow directly cannot do this as conditions vary in different environments and at different times.
- Measure the physical size of leaks, and calculate airflow through them, using well-known fluid dynamics principles and parameters such as pressure differential and surface roughness, that may be adjusted by the user.
- Test airtight display cases, biological safety cabinets, pressurised hospital ICU wards, and cleanrooms. It is a multipurpose instrument with many applications.
- Ensure that mandatory pressurisation tests are passed first-time, every time, eliminating the risk of failure and the associated costs of revisions. Having a Portascanner® Airtight to hand for an easy, rapid check allows users to be proactive, rather than reactive, providing certainty that activities such as sealing penetrations; fitting joints; installing vapour and air barriers; and installing components such as windows, fire doors, flat entrance doors, flood protection doors, attic hatches, and HVAC systems are done correctly.
- Pressurisation is not required, meaning airflow does not have to be present at the moment that the leak is detected i.e. leak sites are detected without airflow through them.
- The Portascanner AIRTIGHT can detect and quantify air leaks even when the building envelope is incomplete.
- It can rapidly locate air leaks, quantify total air permeability, and record reports all in one instrument.
- It is handheld and easy to transport and use without disrupting other operations.
- Leaks as small as 0.06mm in diameter can be detected and leaks as small as 0.5mm can be quantified (e.g. this translates to flowrates as small as 0.09m3/h in a 100mm thick sample of wood or rough concrete under 5 Pa of pressure).
- It does not require perfect environmental conditions i.e. it functions equally well irrespective of the time of day or year.
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