BioScapes Limited – A unique, patented Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) and Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) solution in a single unit.

The SuDS and BNG planter is specifically designed for both domestic and commercial properties to manage rainwater run-off, and support BNG by integrating ten wildlife habitats.
BioScapes helps companies exceed their sustainability objectives with innovative solutions that address biodiversity and SuDS legislation.
SuDS regulations now require the construction industry to comply with new Biodiversity and Water Management criteria, insisting that appropriate measures are taken to manage water runoff, from newly created hard surfaces. The legislation requires any SuDS installation to meet 4 defined criteria, commonly referred to as the 4 pillars of SuDS, and deliver water attenuation, alongside water quality, amenity and biodiversity enhancement.
Sustainable Drainage Systems provide a way of managing rainwater that mimics natural processes and our research concludes that by the end of 2024, over 200,000 SuDS units per annum, will be required by the construction industry. BioScapes recognises that stakeholders need simple and cost-effective ways to deliver these requirements.
In response to these pressures, BioScapes has developed a unique, SuDS and BNG Unit. Our customisable product suite forms the only patented, plug-and-play solution to go beyond the four pillars of SuDS and restore our connection with nature.
Through its robust construction, the BioScapes® SuDS & BNG Unit captures and holds water during storm events helping to reduce excess flows and redirect water from the drainage network. Slowing the flow rate lessens the risk of flooding and reduces pressure on Combined Sewer Overflow discharges (CSOs), which can pollute our waterways.
By utilising biodiverse habitats and specially formulated SuDS soils, our unit will assist with improving water quality in streams and rivers by filtering rainwater before it enters the sewer network. In addition to these benefits, each unit contains up to 10 integrated habitats, designed to encourage and increase biodiversity, creating a healthier and more sustainable environment for everyone to enjoy.
The BioScapes SuDS & BNG Unit provides a quick and cost-effective solution to help deliver biodiversity, sustainable drainage, community and wellbeing benefits.
- Addresses all 4 pillars of SuDS
- Includes a number of complementary habitats to support a complex ecosystem and boost Biodiversity
- Ease of installation and compact design
- Supports Environmental Social Governance (ESG)
- Supports Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Ease of maintenance
- High build quality providing longevity, durability & minimising the risk of callback
- Scalability – volume, distribution
- Improves Environmental Assessments (BREEAM, LEED, SKA etc.)
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