Secure Meters – Beanbag Heat a smart heating and hot water control system with smart phone app.

Beanbag Heat adapts to the user’s lifestyle, ensuring that the home is heated to the right level to suit occupancy and activity.
Beanbag Heat is a smart heating and hot water control system with smart phone app, equipped with best-in-class features to maintain comfort levels while minimising energy consumption.
Beanbag Heat can be installed in residential properties either as a new fitment, or to replace existing thermostats and programmers. The system is compatible with gas, oil, or electric boilers, and with heat interface units (HIUs).
Expandable Services to support multi-property management on single dashboard, enabling cost effective property maintenance and insight into Building Fabric and Health.
- Social issues such as fuel-poverty, over or underheating are identified at an early stage via data trend triggers and reports
- Anticipates issues such as damp and mould before they become a major health or financial concern.
- Wi-Fi enabled, connects to home network
- App control of heating and hot water via smartphone
- Control of heating and hot water to suit lifestyle, rather than a specific schedule
- Advanced control measures provide cost and carbon savings, e.g. by avoiding burning fuel needlessly when residents are not at home
- Advanced energy saving control using time-proportional integral (TPI) algorithm
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