Veritherm Testing and Monitoring – Measuring Away the Performance Gap.

Veritherm Testing and Monitoring - Measuring away the Performance Gap
Home Innovation Partners Veritherm Testing and Monitoring – Measuring Away the Performance Gap.

Veritherm UK are leading innovators in building performance evaluation and have a range of tools and products that can physically test the energy performance of any building.

Our smart technology and fully accessible service enables a simple, and cost-effective solution to the Performance Gap and our real-world measurements can be used for a variety of applications,

Most notably, their rapid thermal performance test which provides a reliable measurement of whole-building heat loss (known as Heat Transfer Coefficient or HTC) in just twelve hours or less.

Veritherm provide smart building performance measurement as a service via a nationwide network of trained operators.


  • Accurately sizing low carbon heating systems (i.e. heat pumps)
  • In-situ verification of insulation products
  • Providing high quality and accurate retrofit advice
  • Supporting the remediation of complaints
  • Targeting inefficient buildings for retrofit works
  • Quality Assurance for new and refurbished buildings

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