Minibems – The Enterprise IOT Platform for heat networks

The Enterprise IOT Platform for heat networks - Can solve 50% of our heating carbon problem in the UK by maximising energy efficiency
Home Innovation Partners Minibems – The Enterprise IOT Platform for heat networks

Can solve 50% of our heating carbon problem in the UK by maximising energy efficiency.

We provide a high efficient heat insulation unit designed for managing central heating and domestic hot water production using intelligent building energy management systems.

The unit delivers real time dynamic flow control, giving 60% reduction in flow rate, whilst delivering the same comfort for residents, reduces fuel consumption by up to 40% and reduces carbon emissions.

Increasing the energy efficiency of the system, decarbonises it by using less energy which, with gas prices reaching a record high, means that residents can also benefit from heat and hot water while using less gas. An average apartment on a heat network takes two tonnes of carbon to heat but installing Minibems can typically save a tonne of carbon per home without changing the heat source. This is a dramatic reduction that, if installed across the UK, would make a significant difference right now to meeting decarbonisation targets

We also provide a managed service with real time meter and billing, including warranties and guarantees that the thermal efficiency of the heat network will be 65% or greater, reduced number of call outs to be no more than 2 out of 10 and that we will collect 95% of heat and standing charge revenue and that no more than 5% of revenues shall be written off as bad debt in any one year.

The services we provide:

  • Miniplay – Metering & billing of heat / hot water
  • Telematic – 24/7 operational management
  • Dynamic – Efficiency & optimisation


  • Carbon saving
  • Energy Saving
  • 40% savings on your heat network – guaranteed
  • Delivers the same heat and comfort for 50% less flow rate
  • Minibems uses telemetry to remotely diagnose and triage heating and hot water problems, saving call outs and service visits
  • Guaranteed savings
  • Improved maintenance
  • Resource efficiency
  • Guarantee the minimum efficiency of the heat network, and a level of savings. This ensures low heat tariffs and protects residents from spiralling heating costs
  • Can be retrofitted onto existing heat networks or can be fitted into new builds using a pre-packaged Heat Interface Unit with Minibems inside

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