‘We’re talking ‘bout real regeneration’, says east London council leader

‘We’re talking ‘bout real regeneration’, says east London council leader
Home News ‘We’re talking ‘bout real regeneration’, says east London council leader

Real regeneration is not about bricks and mortar, but hearts and minds, said east London council leader, Cllr Darren Rodwell this week, at a ceremony hosted by Wates to top out the first of 201 homes in its part of the development at the Gascoigne Estate in Barking.

Real regeneration is about using our investment to power the local economy in a way that gives local people better opportunities.

It’s much more than bricks and mortar, it’s about winning hearts and minds.”

Cllr Rodwell

The redevelopment of the Gascoigne neighbourhood will eventually deliver over 2,200 new affordable homes, tree-lined streets and new parks. The new Gascoigne will be among the greenest and sustainable neighbourhoods in London with new ‘green’ roofs, including solar panels over 1,800 cycle spaces, and will be powered by a local District Heat Network.

Wates has been superb in helping us redevelop the Gascoigne area into what will be one of London’s most affordable and liveable neighbourhoods.

They share our ethos of making sure our regeneration benefits the borough, environmentally, socially and economically.”

Jared Birch

Deputy Construction Director, at Be First

Working with Be First, Wates has put people from Barking and Dagenham front and centre of this project to provide over 200 new homes. As an example, 487 local residents have worked on the site, and 37 of these have been new opportunities.

We will also be providing over 20 work experience placements.

This will go a long way to leaving a lasting legacy that will benefit the borough. And as we near completion, people and families, who all deserve a great place to live, will be moving into these apartments next year and calling them home.”

Adrian Fennessy

Operations Director at Wates Residential

The occasion was also used to launch Be First’s Social Value report, Reasons to be cheerful.

The report highlights how the organisation’s building programme has been designed to stimulate wider regeneration in the borough, including providing more jobs and educational opportunities for local people, boosting local supply chains and creating a more sustainable model of development.

Since Be First was established in late 2017, it has pumped £39m into the local economy, boosting local businesses and supply chains, while delivering quality modern homes for the people of the borough. And around one in five of Be First contractors’ employees are local people.