Wates team recreates markers for former war graves at Wardsend Cemetery

Wates team recreates markers for former war graves at Wardsend Cemetery
Home News Wates team recreates markers for former war graves at Wardsend Cemetery

To mark Armistice Day, Wates has supported one of its longstanding community partners, Friends of Wardsend Cemetery by recreating memorial crosses on 16 unmarked war graves in Sheffield.


Wates team recreates markers for former war graves at Wardsend Cemetery

In 1980, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission was unable to continue maintaining the graves at the Wardsend Cemetary, and after falling into disrepair, individual memorial stones were later removed. Instead, the fallen were commemorated several miles away on a screen wall at City Road Cemetery. Their last resting places have remained unmarked ever since.

The Friends of Wardsend Cemetery have been working to conserve the Victorian cemetery and hold an annual Remembrance service where they read out the names of the 16 men buried in unmarked graves on Wardsend’s steep hillside.

The Friends group approached Wates Project Manager, Andy Bell, who had also supported the group during Wates’ Community and Conservation Week in 2018, for help in making new the memorial crosses, which were placed in time for Armistice day.

We’d like to say a huge thank you to Andy and the team not only for helping us but also for the pride they’ve taken in the project which is reflected in the quality of their work.

We are particularly pleased and grateful that the organisations have come together during a difficult time to ensure that these men, who were all local to the area, are remembered and their graves unmarked no longer.”

Howard Bayley

Chair of Friends of Wardsend Cemetery

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