Develop and invest
Creating sustainable places that people love to live and work in.
We invest in creating the homes and workplaces of the future through residential and commercial land promotion and residential development. We acknowledge the UK’s growing housing crisis and are passionate about our role in boosting housing supply across the country and helping vibrant businesses to grow.
New homes to be delivered on our residential sites
Success-rate in planning applications since 2005.

A collaborative approach
Collaborative working is in our DNA. We strongly believe that bringing stakeholders together to share ambitions and ideas is the best way to shape future communities and truly create sustainable places for today and tomorrow.
We are constantly seeking sites and opportunities for future development across both public and private sectors and aim to secure the best possible outcomes for the communities and landowners we work with.
Getting the green light for new development is challenging and all development must navigate the UK’s complex planning system. This is why we are proud of our 98% success rate for the schemes we have promoted through planning applications since 2005.
Find out more

Land Promotion
We partner with our landowners and bring sustainable placemaking and planning expertise to unlock valuable commercial and residential development.

House Builder Joint Ventures
We build houses that not only sell, but also inspire pride in homeowners. Our aim is to achieve exceptional customer satisfaction, deliver quality homes and a positive resident experience.

Residential Partnerships
We are meeting housing needs through partnerships and expertise for both the public and private sector.

Offices to let
Our quality managed workspace business, Needspace, offers a range of office, workshop, and studio units, perfect to suit your needs.


Hounsome Fields, Basingstoke
Achieving planning consent and the subsequent land sale of Hounsome Fields in Basingstoke was a standout highlight for us in 2017.
Walberton, West Sussex
Working closely with Arun District and Walberton Parish Councils Wates Developments created an attractive development of 175 new homes which was unanimously consented by the Arun Planning Committee at a local level only 12 months following entering into a Land Promotion Agreement with a local landowner.
Buckingham – planning consent and 58 acres of land sold
In July 2022, we secured outline planning consent for a sustainable development of 420 family homes.
Cardiff Council Residential Partnership
Cardiff Living is an exciting development partnership between Wates Residential and the City of Cardiff Council.
LB of Havering Joint Venture Regeneration
A 12 year joint venture partnership to breathe new life into the community of Havering.
ResidentialGet in touch
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